Band Members

Show Notes

A phenomenal show with a loud audience. Kim is wearing an Old Style (Chicago area beer) shirt and Chris plays up Kim's Chicago roots. "Nothing To Say" resurfaces after having not been played since the first reunion show.


Source Gen Equipment Notes Circulating?
AUD #3b WAV audience audio [DSM-6S/EL > PA-24NJ (90hz roll off +0dB gain) > Sony PCM-M10]

The taper made a new master transfer in 2021, both are circulating.

AUD #3a WAV audience audio [DSM-6S/EL > PA-24NJ (90hz roll off +0dB gain) > Sony PCM-M10] Yes
AUD #2 WAV audience audio [AT933/Hypers> Naiant Tinybox> Sony PCM-M10] Yes
AUD #1 WAV audience audio [AT831s > SPSB-11(@107) > Edirol R-09] Yes